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Cabo de Plata takes place in Barbate, Cádiz. Here you will be able to enjoy the sun and the beach apart from the people and the concerts.



From Madrid or Sevilla

  1. ​Take the A-4 with direction Sevilla.

  2. Once in Sevilla you will have to drive through the beltway direction Cádiz to take the AP-4.

  3. You will find a toll in Cabezas de San Juan, after crossing it you need to take the exit 84, Jerez/Los Barrios.

  4. Keep going through the highway A-38 direction Algeciras.

  5. Take the exit 31 to Vejer de la Frontera and once there look for barbate directions.

From Cádiz​

  1. ​Take the N-340 direction Algeciras.

  2. Once you get to Barca de Vejer take the exit direction Barbate.

From Málaga​

  1. Leave Málaga direction Algeciras through the A-7. It has a toll but is the faster way.

  2. Once you pass Algeciras take the N-340 direction Cádiz.

  3. Now stay focus because after leaving Tarifa behind you will see an exit to Barbate.




This festival offers 2 different campings to stay, from the 4th to the 8th. The one closer to the concerts area called Atlas and the farthest one called Terra. Both of them are placed in pine forests which is good because you get all the shadow from them so you are not being hit by the sun all day.





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